
The Hongkong Prize

The hongkong prize is one of the world’s top writing contests and offers writers an excellent opportunity to win both monetary prizes as well as showcase their work at an awards ceremony. However, participants should always carefully read through all rules and regulations before submitting their entry. This will help them avoid any issues that may arise later on.

This competition recognizes individuals and groups that promote world civilisation, encourage others towards building harmonious societies and demonstrate human resilience when facing challenges. Previous recipients have ranged from social justice activists fighting for democracy in their home countries to non-profit organisations sheltering homeless adults. Its logo, which features both precious elements – a pearl and jade amulet – symbolises this mission.

Established in 2022 by the Hong Kong Alliance of Technology and Innovation and title sponsored by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, this prize honors pioneering efforts in scientific research as well as its application and transformation for society. It also aims to promote scientific research in Hong Kong and foster its global reputation. It has received widespread support from universities, researchers and innovative enterprises in Hong Kong as well as recognition worldwide.

Its selection process is independent from sponsorship and personal interests and is a great incentive for scientists to continue their pursuit of knowledge with the aim of benefiting society. It is open to any individual who has published scientific papers that make an impactful statement on the society through clinical studies, observational/epidemiological analyses or meta-analyses. The winners will receive a cash award of HKD 2 million and a prestigious engraved gold medal.

The BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prize is a flagship of the Hong Kong Alliance of Technology and Innovation, aiming to boost Hong Kong’s status as a hub for science and technology by attracting global top scientific talent, nurturing forward-looking scientists, and fostering a scientific culture in Hong Kong. It is an annual competition with a total of five award fields, including Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Life and Health, New Materials and New Energy, Advanced Manufacturing and FinTech, which honor the best research achievements in these areas.

This prestigious competition is open to secondary school students in Hong Kong and is judged by an expert panel. Winners receive a monetary prize and are invited to visit some of Hong Kong’s premier research facilities. They are also encouraged to participate in workshops and internships to further their careers. This competition is a great opportunity for students to get their work noticed by the public and gain international exposure. In addition, it helps them hone their writing skills.